Volkswagen Golf mk6 caxa engine 1.4 TSI – fault codes P0033 turbocharger recirculating air solenoid valve & P0243 boost pressure Solenoid valve (waste gate solenoid)
The vehicle came in with the check engine light and the vehicle had no power so the vehicle was in power limiting mode.
Testing and scan data:
The scan data revealed that the fault codes
P0033 turbocharger recirculating air solenoid valve
P0243 boost pressure Solenoid valve (waste gate solenoid)
where present, we had removed the wiring and tested each unit indiviually for resistance – turbocharger recirculating air solenoid valve 10 to 20 ohms ok and the boost pressure Solenoid valve (waste gate solenoid) 20 to 30 ohms ok we checked the power to the circuits ok and manualy test the operation by supplying power and ground to the solenoid and both clicked, so this made us not rush out and buy new units, we did also substite both solenoids with t10 wedge globes and checked again to no avail,
This is when the wiring diagram had to come out the trace the wiring back to the ecu and find the pins to make sure the terminals to ecu where finding the 12 volt power.
Upon removing the Ecu it was found that leave and garbage was in the plenum chamber we removed the ecu to find rust on the pins and ecu which lead to the pins we needed to be missing due to corrosion. simple find but now we need to replace the engine ecu and program it to the vehicle (hard part)
Instead of doing this we decided to give the Engien Ecu to a Ecu Repair shop to had fixed, he was able to swap the whole connector over with a differen non corroded ECU plug
Refitted back to the vehicle and setup scan tool looked at live data carried out the basic settings and road tested. Perfect.