Ts Astra ECU Changing – Z18XE Simtec71
known as Astra G- these vehicles come from 99 to 2005
Z18xe- Simtec71
- there are 2 main variants z18xe with simtec 71 and a newer version called simtec 71.1
- after 2003 the fan controller is different, use your Vin and program with GDS to update is the ecu version is wrong, there is no CAN setting for this and you will not find it in the Tech2 or tech2win,
- plug in and capture existing data. such as VIN, PIN CODE, and CAN Config (save images)
- Read/update confdata, save the file.
- Change ECU.
- Read/update Confdata, save the file
- upload the old file. (remember to check if simtec 71 or simtec 71.1 – select from drop down update/upload will be different.)
- check to see if fans work or not. (fault codes in engine ECU will be a/c pressure switch and fan relays 1,2,3 fault.)
- If this is here use GDS to Update ECU with correct programming
- Alternatively to this you could have used Engine flasher in AVDI to do the whole ECU,
Side note
- after 2003 the fan controller is different, use your Vin and program with GDS to update is the ecu version is wrong, there is no CAN setting for this and you will not find it in the Tech2 or tech2win, things you can change such as manual or auto trans, Electric power steering, steering angle sensor, if the vehicle has A/C etc. check before you carry out a dump of the ECU, There is 2 ways this can be done.
- The Read/update Confdata, will allow the engine to start as it will program the immo codes.
- if you have a stuffed ECU and cant read the pin code. you cant Read/Update confdata, you have to go into immobiliser and with the PIN Code that you get from a dealer (hopefully and tell the immobiliser that you have installed a new ECU. (you could try using GDS to Program – replace and program if this fails)
- Read/update config data will update the pin when using file original car file too.
What you cant do
- cant expect to Ecu flash, from Simtec 71 to Simtec 71.1 it will not do it, you will have to re-flash back to original file, other wise no check engine light will be displayed on dash and vehicle will not work.
- Don’t expect to swap back ECU’s with out doing Conf/Data Again, (swapped back as i thought the s/hand was faulty, put original back in and wouldn’t start, so it must do a link at the same time)
- expect every thing to go smoothly when dealing with s/hand ecus.
Z18XE – When you dont have a reset tool and you cant call the dealer for a pin and you have to use only tech2 anv d a pin reader.
1. read pin on both ecus,
2. reset original ecu with tech2 with car pin ok
-cant reset new/second hand ecu with new/secondhand pin tech2 will not allow says wrong pin.
-cant use cars pin as it goes into it and then stops and says error
3. need to get immobiliser box with the new/second hand ecu to reset (not sure if you need a key) i did it with the lock set it was ok
-once you have done all this you go into
4. Body -> Immobiliser and program Ecu only
or stuff all this and buy cracked tools to do the job